Covid - 19

We want to reassure our customers that we will remain open as long as possible during these challenging times. Milk is available 7.30am to 6.30pm and at Ansty Farm shop 9.30am to 5.30pm.

We have strict hygiene measures in place always when handling our milk and our whole milk room is cleaned every morning and night with Dettol. 

We ask of our customers:

Please ensure hands and bottles are CLEAN when visiting the milk machine

We cannot get hold of any hand sanitiser at the moment but have ordered some to come as soon as it is available. Please wash hands after using our machine when you get home.

There is kitchen towel available in the room to wipe any spillages and also to press the 1L button and hold the door handle if you wish. Please only use one sheet each!

Please if you are feeling unwell with signs of a fever or cough, send someone else to get your milk, or contact one of the local neighbourhood care systems that all local villages now have in place.

So wash your hands and continue to drink milk, its good for the immune system!